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Using technology in my daily life

Nowadays most of the people around the world can’t live their daily lives without using technology. It makes our lives easier in such different ways such as communicating with people, searching information or enjoying the use of the different apps (Positive & Negative Effects of Technology on Our Lives, 2014). In this journal I will write about how I live my daily life using different technology tools such as iPad, laptop and I phone. Also, I created a survey for my classmates about how they use technology and I will mention the data analysis of these surveys. Finally, I will write my own opinion on using technology and I will provide some suggestions too

At home I usually use the laptop to use one of the app I mentioned which is the internet. I use the internet to finish my homeworks, reading some information and watching different videos. I spend using this tool almost from 2 hours to 3 every day. Furthermore I use the IPad to watch my favourite series, shopping and playing different games and I spend use it for two hours. On other hand I use my phone to use different apps such as Snapchat, WhatsApp, instgram, Twitter and BBM and these apps I use to contact with my friends and family.

However, the survey I did showed that 82% of people I know use phone every day as a favourite tool and 17% only who use IPads. 52% of the people who did the survey use their favoriate tool more than four hours daily and 11% only who use three hours a day. Although the favoriate app they use is the Snapchat which it had the highest percentage and it is 52%. Most of the people agree that they can live without technology and 50% only who disagree to live without technology.

In my opinion I think technology is important in our lives because it does make our life easier in different way such as help students to find the information they need, help doctors to handles the patient, help people who travels to contact with friends and families (Importance of Technology, 2015). My personal life is impact with technology in positive way because it makes my life easier and don’t waste time such as in my assessments and homewoks.


My Daily Alerts. (2014). Positive & Negative Effects of Technology in Our Lives., Accessed June 1, 2016

My Essay Point. (2015). Importance of Technology ., Accessed June 1, 2016

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